The Born Fitness Guide

You are a Success

I get asked all the time what my favorite piece is of advice. Here's the bottom line: Your health does not have to be tied to a diet or exercise regime.

Your health will be what you do with it. The real distinction between healthy and unhealthy is giving a damn about your body; and making sure you do something--heck, anything--consistently so that you can live a long, active life, take care of yourself, and take care of others in this world.

I believe in goals, good habits, and sharing options that are long-lasting. My biggest frustration is the way we have lost sight on the main goal. We need to find smarter ways that exercise and healthier eating can be integrated into everyone's daily lives.

Notice how I didn't suggest lifting weights or cardio or even recommend a specific diet. Do I have opinions about my favorite strategies and methods? Of course. But I don't believe in dogma and insist there is only ONE right way.

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This approach is a sure recipe for failure. Only a small percentage of people naturally love all healthy behaviors.

I will admit that I am one of those people. I can eat Brussels sprouts and chicken all day. But this isn't normal. This is not what you should be expecting from yourself.

We need to do a better task of defining each facet of health. I believe dessert can and should be included in a healthy eating program. Walking can also make a great exercise option. These are the activities that you enjoy and can be made a part of you life.

Don't try to fit your square life into the circle of someone's definitions.

My journey has given me a clear goal: To help you determine the diets, types and workouts that are best for your body and lifestyle to make it more fit and feel better.

These options could also help you gain more muscle, lose your belly or lift 400 pounds. These are bonuses.

Your job it to explore all possible options. Healthy living means having a variety of options. Even though there may be some Szechuan-style chicken left over (yeah...that's my metaphor for bad data), there are still many options that can help you live a healthy, happy life.

This is the main message.

I encourage that you look at all the possibilities. You can exercise wherever you choose, whether at the gym or out on the field. While you should eat healthier foods the majority of the time, it is okay to indulge in unhealthy food occasionally.

This realization is not necessary to be in the chokehold of 65-pound barbell.


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