The Born Fitness Guide

To Success

My favorite piece of advice is often asked about. Here it is: Health isn't about a diet or a gym.

Your health is what your make of it. The real distinction between healthy and unhealthy is giving a damn about your body; and making sure you do something--heck, anything--consistently so that you can live a long, active life, take care of yourself, and take care of others in this world.

I believe in setting goals and encouraging good behavior. And, sharing opportunities that are sustainable is something that I strongly believe in. I find it frustrating that we have lost sight of the true goal. We need to find better ways to make healthy eating and exercise a seamless part everyone's lives.

I did not say that lifting weights or cardio was necessary, nor do I recommend any particular diet or suggest a healthy lifestyle. Are there any opinions I have on my favorite strategies? Yes, I do. However, I refuse to be rigid and insist that there is only one correct way.

This approach is a recipe to fail. Only a small number of people love all healthy behaviors.

To be honest, I have become one of these people. You can feed me chicken and Brussels sprouts all day and I will smile bigger than the Enzyte guy. This is not normal, and it's not what you should expect.

It is time to redefine health in all its many aspects. Dessert can and should be a part of a healthy diet. Walking can also be an acceptable form of exercise. These are the types of behaviors you love, so you should try to incorporate them into your daily life.

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Do not try to fit your life into the square of another's definition of fitness.

My journey led me to a simple goal: To identify the best diets, workouts and exercises, as well as other strategies, that can be applied to your life to live longer, be healthier, happier, and live better.

These options can also be used to build muscle, lose weight, lift 400 pounds or trim baby fat. These are additional bonuses.

It is your job to discover all the options available. Healthy living is like a buffet. There are many options for healthy living, and while there is definitely bad Szechuan Chicken (yeah that's my metaphor to bad information), there are plenty of good choices.

The bigger message is: You don't have to feel stressed, that you can't have a better body, better mind, or a better lifestyle.

I encourage you explore all the options. You can exercise in any way you like, at home, in the gym or on the field. You should eat healthier food most of the day, but you can indulge in unhealthy foods if you wish.

This realization doesn't need to occur while staring at a 65-pound barbell in a chokehold.


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